Friday, 18 February 2011

Another Night Out

Painting commission. 18 inches x 24 inches. Acrylic on board.
The first image is the full painting, and the ones following are zoomed views.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Painted Portrait, Take Deuce.

Portrait commission. 15 inches x 20 inches. Acrylic on Board. I didn't much like how the last portrait I painted and posted turned out, so I started over from scratch, and painted a new portrait. Here is the result, take two. I think this one is a bit more successful, which is to say, it actually LOOKS like the person. Click image to see a larger version.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Fox and the Law EP Art

Fox and the Law, a rollickingly lovely band from Seattle, Washington asked me to do the art and design for their upcoming EP. Here's what came of that. Click to see larger images.
[Un note... The actual album art does not have my name and copyright obstrusively scratched in the front cover. That there yonder name is there for internet copyright purposes.]